Question 1
Which of the following statements is true about the np.searchsorted function in numpy?
Question 2
Which function can be used to find the index of the maximum element along a specific axis in a numpy array?
Question 3
What does the np.where function return when used without any condition?
Question 4
How can you find the indices of the elements that are less than a specified value in a numpy array?
Question 5
What does the np .argmax function do in numpy?
Question 6
What of the following functions can be used to find the indices of the top nmaximum values in a numpy array?
Question 7
What does the np.extract function do in numpy?
Question 8
Which function can be used to find the index of the first occurrence of a value in a numpy array?
Question 9
What is the purpose of the np . nonzero function in numpy?
Question 10
What function can be used to find the indices of elements that satisfy a condition in a numpy array?