Pointwise Mutual Information – II

Now, calculating PMI score for a two-word term was pretty straightforward. But when you try to calculate the PMI of a three-word term such as “Indian Institute of Technology”, you will have to calculate P(Indian Institute Technology). To calculate such probability, you need to apply the chain rule of probability.

Let’s look at the PMI of some of the phrases, and calculate the PMI with an online tool.

In practical settings, calculating PMI for terms whose length is more than two is still very costly for any relatively large corpus of text. You can either go for calculating it only for a two-word term or choose to skip it if you know that there are only a few occurrences of such terms.

After calculating the PMI score, you can compare it with a cutoff value and see if PMI is larger or smaller than the cutoff value. A good cutoff value is zero. Terms with PMI larger than zero are valid terms, i.e. they don’t need to be tokenised into different words. You can replace these terms with a single-word term that has an underscore present between different words of the term. For example, the term ‘New Delhi’ has a PMI greater than zero. It can be replaced with ‘New_Delhi’. This way, it won’t be tokenised while using the NLTK tokeniser.

This brings us to the end of the session. In the next section, you’ll go through a quick summary of this session.

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