Installing OpenCV

To identify and classify vehicles, we’ll use an open source computer vision library called OpenCV. If you have not already installed OpenCV, go through this segment otherwise skip it.

It’s an immensely popular image processing library. The entire upcoming session comprises of image processing tasks done using this library. Before we jump into the actual problem, let’s spend some time understanding OpenCV.

To begin with, we’ll demonstrate how to download OpenCV. Download the notebook used in the following lectures here.

Now that you have OpenCV downloaded, let’s look at how to run some basic commands in OpenCV.

Note: In the above video, OpenCV is used to read the image, which has BRG format and it is displayed with matplotlib which has RGB format. So, the displayed images look different than original image. You notebook attached in this segment has corrected format.

In the next page, you will look at the video dataset, as well as the approach to the problem that we discussed to solve the problem statement.

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