Final Bag-of-Words Representation

You’ve learn quite a few techniques in lexical preprocessing, namely:

  • Plotting word frequencies and removing stopwords
  • Tokenisation
  • Stemming
  • Lemmatization

Now, let’s create the bag-of-words model, again, but this time, using stemming and lemmatization along with the other preprocessing steps. It will result in reducing the number of features by eliminating redundant features that we had created earlier. But more importantly, will lead to a more efficient representation. You can download the Jupyter notebook that the professor uses here:

You saw how stemming and lemmatization performed on the spam dataset. Lemmatization didn’t perform as good as it should have because of two reasons:

  • Lemmatization expected the POS tag of the word to be passed along with the word. We didn’t pass the POS tag here. You’ll learn how to assign POS tags in the next module.
  • Lemmatization only works on correctly spelt words. Since there are a lot of misspelt words in the dataset, lemmatization makes no changes to them.

In other words, the comparison of stemming and lemmatization wasn’t actually fair. You can redo this comparison when you learn to tag each word with it’s POS tag. Then, you can automate the process of lemmatization by passing the word along with it’s POS tag. It will be fair to compare the process of stemming and lemmatization only then. The comparison here was just for demonstration purposes.

In the next section, you’ll learn a new way to create matrix representation from a text corpus of documents.

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