Cluster Tendency

Before we apply any clustering algorithm to the given data, it’s important to check whether the given data has some meaningful clusters or not? which in general means the given data is not random. The process to evaluate the data to check if the data is feasible for clustering or not is known as the clustering tendency.

As we have already discussed in the previous lecture that the clustering algorithm will return K clusters even if that data does not have any clusters or have any meaningful clusters. So before proceeding for clustering, we should not blindly apply the clustering method and we should check the clustering tendency.

Let’s look in detail at how it works.

To check cluster tendency, we use Hopkins test. Hopkins test examines whether data points differ significantly from uniformly distributed data in the multidimensional space.

Additional Resources

To read about Hopkins test in detail, please follow this link1, link2, remember that the document is described using R programming, please ignore it.

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