Bag-of-Words Representation

You have now learnt two preprocessing steps – tokenisation and removing stopwords. But you still can’t use the list of words that you get after these processing steps to train a machine learning model.

In this section, you’ll learn how to represent text in a format that you can feed into machine learning algorithms. The most common and most popular approach is to create a bag-of-words representation of the text data that you have. The central idea is that any given piece of text, i.e., tweets, articles, messages, emails etc., can be “represented” by a list of all the words that occur in it (after removing the stopwords), where the sequence of occurrence does not matter. You can visualise it as the “bag” of all “words” that occur in it. For example, consider the messages:

“Gangs of Wasseypur is a great movie”

The bag of words representation for this message would be:

This way, you can create “bags” for representing each of the messages in your training and test data set. But how do you go from these bags to building a spam classifier?

Let’s say the bags, for most of the spam messages, contain words such as prize, lottery etc., and most of the ham bags don’t. Now, whenever you run into a new message, just look at its “bag-of-words” representation. Does the bag for this message resemble that of messages you already know as spam, or does it not resemble them? Based on the answer to the previous question, you can then classify the message.

Now, the next question is, how do you get a machine to do all of that? Well, turns out that for doing that, you need to represent all the bags in a matrix format, after which you can use ML algorithms such as naive Bayes, logistic regression, SVM etc., to do the final classification.

But how is this matrix representation created? Let’s understand it from professor Srinath.

So, that’s how text is represented in the form of matrix. It can then be used to train machine learning models. Each document sits on a separate row and each word of the vocabulary has a its own column. These vocabulary words are also called as features of the text.

The bag-of-words representation is also called bag-of-words model but this is not to be confused with a machine learning model. A bag-of-words model is just the matrix that you get from text data.

Another thing to note is that the values inside any cell can be filled in two ways – 1) you can either fill the cell with the frequency of a word (i.e. a cell can have a value of 0 or more), or 2) fill the cell with either 0, in case the word is not present or 1, in case the word is present (binary format).

Both approaches work fine and don’t usually result in a big difference. The frequency approach is slightly more popular and the NLTK library in Python also fills the bag-of-words model with word frequencies rather than binary 0 or 1 values.

Now, it’s your turn to create a bag of words model. Consider these documents and create a bag-of-words model with the frequency approach on these documents. Please note that there is no need to remove the stop words in this case (just for this exercise). After you’re done creating the model, answer the questions that follow.

Document 1: “there was a place on my ankle that was itching”

Document 2: “but I did not scratch it”

Document 3: “and then my ear began to itch”

Document 4: “and next my back”

Now, let’s see how bag-of-words model is built in Python. Download the Jupyter notebook of the code here, to follow along:

To build a bag-of-words model in Python, you can use the scikit-learn library. As you saw, you get lots of redundant features after building the model. There were features such as ‘get’ and ‘getting’, ‘goes’ and ‘going’, ‘see’ and ‘seeing’ and along with a lot of other duplicate features. They are not exactly duplicates but they’re redundant in the sense that they’re not giving you any extra information about the message. In fact, the words ‘winner’ and ‘win’ are equivalent when your goal is to detect whether a message is spam or not.

Hence, keeping the two separate is actually going to hinder the performance of the machine learning algorithm since it is redundant information. Also, this redundancy is going to increase the number of features due to which the classifier can face the curse of dimensionality. To get rid of this problem, you’re going to learn two more preprocessing techniques – stemming and lemmatization – in the next section.

In the next section, you’ll learn about preprocessing techniques that’ll help you to get rid of redundant tokens or features.

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